In-Person Event Levels
What's My Level?
Why, YES!
Find Out Below!
Basic Level?
Intermediate Level?
Advancing Intermediate Level?
Advanced Level?
Accomplished Level?
Follow these steps...
Read the below level descriptions. Choose the level that best describes you.
Note the sub-headings under the level names - these are the events that are designed for your level.
Go back to the In-Person Events Page (button at top). Read the event dates & descriptions for events at your level.
Narrow down to an event or a few events that work for you and interest you!
Never been to Scor! before? Not sure where to start? Try the Ensemble Event at your level!
Not sure where you fit in? Got a question? Ask Beth at Scor! Email her at the above button.
Exclusively At Your Level: Threshold Scor! (Basic Level Ensemble Camp). Also, consider Fiddle Fingers (all levels accepted).
Summary: Starting at about 1 year and ranging to about 5 or 6 years of playing experience; no ensemble experience required, but you may have begun to play in ensemble on this instrument (mid-beginner to early intermediate)
Have you...
Does this describe you? The coordination and basic technique required for string playing are still "in development". You can read music at a basic level, and can identify notes & rhythms, but you may not yet be comfortable with sight-reading or fluently executing written notes and rhythms. You are bowing comfortably, but still working on getting a good tone and staying in certain parts of the bow. You know generally where to put your fingers, but are still working on intonation. You may not shift much or you may have recently begun shifting, and have not developed any or much vibrato. Maybe you are getting the hang of playing with a steady pulse and counting, but are still working on applying everything, or possibly you are struggling some with pulse and rhythm. You may have never played in an ensemble before, or have little ensemble experience on this instrument.
If so, this level is for you! The entire experience will be catered to your level - the instruction, the music, the group, everything.
To qualify for the Basic Level, you’ve at least met the below requirements…
You may be further along than this! If you are at the top end of the Basic Level…
In this case, the Basic Level is still right for you! (You may qualify to be a Musical Team Leader if you are at the Top End of this level.)
(Please Note: In order to move on to the Intermediate Level, you must be able to dependably keep a steady pulse, both in solo and ensemble playing. If pulse/rhythm is still a struggle for you, please apply at the Basic Level. We expect participants to return at the Basic Level for a few years to continue to learn and grow, not necessarily move on to the Intermediate Level the following year.)
Exclusively at your level: Sojourner Scor! (Intermediate Level Ensemble Camp). Also, consider CelloWell, ViolinWell, ViolaWell, Fiddle Fingers, String Theory (multiple levels accepted)
Summary: Starting at 5-6 years of playing experience ranging to 10-15+ years of musical fun; around 1 year of ensemble experience on your current instrument & possibly many more; although you may not always be able to sight-read music with shifts & complex rhythms, you can dependably keep a steady pulse in solo and ensemble playing (early-mid-late intermediate)
Have you...
Does this describe you? You have a relatively consistent good tone & are comfortable with various bow strokes and articulations (long, short, etc.). Your intonation is pretty solid in the most common positions, and you can play in different keys. You have at least begun working on shifting and vibrato or maybe you feel comfortable with them. You can sight-read basic notes and rhythms and have a good sense of pulse. You have had at least 1 year of ensemble experience on the instrument you're coming to Scor! with.
If so, this level is for you. You'll dig in to lots of great music for a good learning challenge, while still having loads of fun! The entire experience will be catered to your level - the instruction, the music, the group, everything.
To qualify for the Intermediate Level, you’ve at least met the below requirements…
You may be further along than this! If you are at the top end of the Intermediate Level…
In this case, the Intermediate Level is still right for you! (You may qualify to be a Musical Team Leader if you are at the Top End of this level.)
(Please Note: In order to attend at the Intermediate Level you must be able to dependably feel and keep a steady pulse, both in solo and ensemble playing. If pulse/rhythm is still a struggle for you, please apply at the Basic Level.)
(Please Note: If you have not yet had around 1 year of ensemble experience on your instrument, please attend at the Basic Level, where we teach you the various skills that are very specific to string instruments that you’ll need to move on to the Intermediate Level. These are highly beneficial even if you've been playing longer or have played another instrument in ensembles before.)
Exclusively at your level: Elevation Scor! (Advancing Intermediate Level Ensemble & Chamber Camp). Also consider CelloWell, ViolinWell, ViolaWell, Fiddle Fingers, String Theory (mulitple levels accepted)
Summary: Starting at about 8-10 years of playing experience ranging to 40-50+ years of musical fun; at least 3-4 years of ensemble experience on your current instrument & possibly many more; you have a very good sense of pulse & are comfortable sight-reading (mid-late intermediate – early advanced)
Have you...
Does this describe you? You have a nice tone, and can vary your tone and dynamic depending on what the music calls for. You are comfortable with both legato & staccato/martelé bow strokes, and are perhaps working on other bow strokes. You practice scales and can play in many keys, and your intonation is very solid in the common positions. You are comfortable shifting and using vibrato. You have a very good sense of pulse & are very comfortable reading rhythms as well as notes. You are comfortable sight-reading a variety of music, & you can dependably keep a steady pulse & keep going, even if you are making mistakes or not playing all the notes yet. You have had at least 3-4 years of ensemble experience on the instrument you're coming to Scor! with. You may not have played chamber music before (or maybe you have!), but you can hold your own when playing duets, in pick-up groups, or in orchestra. You’re willing and able to play in a small group, even if you’re the only one on your part. You practice regularly, are involved musically, and actively try to improve.
If so, this level is for you. It will be challenging, rewarding, & FUN! The entire experience will be catered to your level - the instruction, the music, the group, everything.
To qualify for the Advancing Intermediate Level, you’ve at least met the below requirements…
You may be further along than this! If you are at the top end of the Advancing Intermediate Level…
In this case, the Advancing Intermediate Level is still right for you! (You may qualify to be a Musical Team Leader if you are at the Top End of this level.)
(Please Note: In order to attend at the Advancing Intermediate Level you must be comfortable sight-reading intermediate-level music & be ready to sight-read & play in a small group, even if no one else is currently playing your part. If you don’t feel ready for either of these, please apply at the Intermediate Level.)
Exclusively at your level: Higher Ground Chamber Music (Advanced Level Ensemble & Chamber Camp). Also consider CelloWell, ViolinWell, ViolaWell, Fiddle Fingers, String Theory (multiple levels accepted)
Summary: This event affords a challenging and enriching environment for dedicated players with advanced skills. Participants should have at least 10+ years of training & instruction (not just playing), plus many years of ensemble experience (10+), including orchestra and chamber music.
Have you...
Does this describe you? You have played for quite a long time and currently play in an ensemble or have a lot of ensemble experience. You probably played as a child, but if not, you've been taking private lessons & practicing very dedicatedly for over a decade & also have other childhood musical experience. You've participated in both orchestra and chamber music, and are very comfortable with 1-on-a-part chamber music, duets, etc. You are very comfortable sight-reading moderate to semi-advanced music, and can very reliably keep a pulse, hold your own, and musically contribute in an ensemble. You are comfortable and familiar with 2-3 octave scales. You have several bow strokes and a good tone at your command, and are able to easily execute a variety of advanced techniques and positions on your instrument. You are a serious player, practicing regularly, musically involved, and actively wanting to improve.
If so, this level is for you. It will be challenging, rewarding, invigorating, informative, & energizing! The entire experience will be catered to your level - the instruction, the music, the group, everything.
(Please Note: In order to attend at the Advanced Level you must have lots of previous ensemble experience, including previous experience in chamber music, and be very comfortable with 1-on-a-part chamber music. You must be comfortable sight-reading early-advanced level music. If you don’t feel ready for either of these, please apply at the Advancing Intermediate Level.)
Exclusively at your level: Heart Strings Summit (Accomplished Level Chamber Music Workshop)
Summary: You are an accomplished player. You’ve had extensive classical training, including at the collegiate level. You’ve had a long background of private lessons, playing solo Bach as well as various concertos & sonatas. In orchestras you’ve played symphonic works, and in chamber groups you’ve payed beloved masterworks. You’ve held leadership positions in some capacity & are comfortable in a role as a musical leader (i.e. principal player, chamber music group leader, etc.). You are an experienced musical collaborator, an expressive player, and are willing to try sight-reading virtually anything. You may teach strings or have played professionally, or you may have played with higher level amateur or youth orchestras & chamber groups.
If so, this level is for you. It will be moving, enlightening, uplifting, & inspiring! The entire experience will be catered to your level.
(Please Note: In order to attend at the Accomplished Level you must have extensive classical training & experience including orchestra, chamber music, & private lessons, and be comfortable in a role as a musical leader (principal player, chamber music group leader, etc.). You must be an accomplished sight-reader. If you don’t feel ready for these things, please apply at the Advanced Level.)
Ensemble Events at Your Level, Instrument-Specific Clinics, or Special Interest Area Camps!
Not sure which type of event to attend? If you've never been to Scor!, we recommend starting with the ensemble event that best fits your level!
5 Ensemble Events: Attend the Event designed for YOUR LEVEL!
Or... Choose to attend an instrument-specific Clinic with a technique focus. (Intermediate, Advancing Intermediate, & Advanced Levels accepted)
Or... Choose to attend a special interest area camp!
Just ask!